DON’T/DO THIS: Begin Again?

Blogging is a unique endeavor for me, a space for creative thinking that has no editor, no deadlines, and no restrictions. It is a space of ultimate freedom which, for someone like me, can be paralyzing. A blank page can be a scary thing. Yet blogging is also an exciting space for me, a place... Continue Reading →

DON’T/DO THIS: Outdoor Living

For many years, nicer homes would have had a patio or deck behind the house to enjoy during the “season,” which might be summer in Wisconsin or winter in Florida. The patio or deck usually contained some outdoor furniture in wood or painted steel to resist the elements, and perhaps a table with an umbrella... Continue Reading →

DON’T/DO THIS: Bedrooms for Children

My wife and I use our bedroom for sleeping, getting dressed in the morning, and a few other things I won’t mention. Our children, over the course of the past twenty-plus years, have used their bedrooms for sleeping, dressing, and nearly every other activity imaginable. At different times in their lives, our children have read books, built... Continue Reading →

DON’T/DO THIS: Home Office

Most of my blog posts are written at the sit/stand desk in my office from home, a desk that also serves as my main place of work, day after day. Our company began moving towards remote work before the pandemic and never looked back, which means home offices and their lighting are pretty important to... Continue Reading →

DON’T/DO THIS: Backyards

July seems like the perfect month to write a blog post about landscape lighting in a back yard. Our days are long and our evenings warm in Wisconsin right now, and we enjoy relaxing outdoors as long as the mosquitoes will let us. A little well-planned light will extend our evenings a bit longer as... Continue Reading →

DON’T/DO THIS: Dining Rooms

Tonight we are going to a nearby restaurant for the first time, a local Italian spot with a reputation for meatballs. We will be evaluating the food to be certain, but also evaluating the atmosphere. Is it a place we would enjoy again? Would we bring friends or out-of-town family here? Our decision will likely... Continue Reading →

Don’t/Do This: Primary Bedrooms (Modern)

This post is a continuation of my Don't/Do This: Primary Bedroom exploration. My Don't/Do This series are a lot of fun to sketch and imagine. Too much fun, perhaps, as the post on primary bedrooms has now ballooned into three. Without much forethought, I find myself creating an increasingly comprehensive series aimed at comparing and... Continue Reading →

DON’T/DO THIS: Primary Bedrooms (Traditional)

One of my writing goals is to simplify the scientific and technical aspects of light into actionable advice, and the Don’t/Do This series is perhaps the most aligned with this purpose. The intent is to provide a simple list of strategies to utilize in a home, space by space, alongside pitfalls to avoid. Sounds easy, right? Working... Continue Reading →

DON’T/DO THIS: Front Porches

A few years ago I wrote a post on the do’s and don’ts of front porch lighting. So why do it again? Because I never stop learning about light, and that means every few years I might make different recommendations. That is certainly true outdoors as I learn more about the negative effects of light at night (LAN).  This... Continue Reading →


My desire to revisit the do’s and don’ts of lighting is going to kill me, but I am having too much fun to stop. These posts take the longest to create of any I have previously written, but sketching is so relaxing that I look forward to the next one. So here it is, the... Continue Reading →

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